Open Access. Politics, art and persuasion in 15th century Castile


We present in Open Access the book Politics, art and persuasion in 15th century Castile (Ed. Trea), by Matilde Miquel Juan and Olga Pérez Monzón, with the collaboration of the Cultural Heritage Institute of Spain and the S.I. Primate Cathedral of Toledo.

This editorial project arose with the initial motivation of transferring the research carried out in the chapel of Álvaro de Luna (Retórica artística en el tardogótico castellano: la capilla de Álvaro de Luna en contexto, Madrid, 2018) to an area of high dissemination and transfer to the society.

To do this, under the same umbrella of rigor and scientific quality, we proposed a work in a double format -online and printed- and in a double language -Spanish and English- that would clearly enhance its perceptual and multisensory character.

A laborious and necessary process that allowed us to approach the work from the visible and its hidden reality, the creative process, the comparisons and links between foreign and Hispanic authors, the cryptoportraits, and the confrontation and interrelation between the different image techniques of the works.