Strategic Framing

The research project "Corte y cortes en el tardogótico hispano. Narrativa, memoria y sinergias en el lenguaje visual":

Combines the vectors of science, technology and innovation required in the consolidation of the Spanish science system, through the transdisciplinary and transversal work of the members of the research project who are specialists in history philology, physical studies, chemical studies, restoration, heritage and museology.

Guarantees the capacity to generate knowledge and analysis of the history of art as a reflection of the change in current social knowledge, with the incorporation of new technologies for the analysis and study of medieval painting.

- Tends to the scientific and technological strengthening of the R&D system, through the participation of research and teaching centres such as: the Complutense University of Madrid, the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain, the Higher School of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, National Heritage or the Museo Nacional del Prado.

Certifies the transparency of scientific and objective knowledge of the history of art, by disseminating the current and new methods of studying works of art online.

- Provides scientific and state-of-the-art open knowledge for the study of the history of art, and specifically for the history of painting during the Gothic period.

Responds to the main lines of change and innovation in research activity, especially the artistic study throughout history.

Employs scientific methods for the study of late Gothic painting and its dissemination to the scientific community, by promoting scientific, technological and innovative progress in the study of art history.

Promotes collaboration between administrations in the field of R&D, through initiatives that seek to extend recent and validated experiences within the European Union.

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